Tokyo, Japan welcome to camsm 2025

Publication | 出版

  • Accepted paper will be published in Conference Proceedings, which is one volume of Key Engineering Materials. (ISSN: 1662-9795) of TTP (Trans Tech Publications Inc.).  The papers will be sent to be reviewed and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus
  • 本次大会接收的文章将出版在 ACMSM2025 会议论文集,该论文集将被 TTP 收录并出版为一整卷。所有接受的文章将被 Scopus,REAXYS
    Inspec (IET, Institution of Engineering Technology),Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) ,Google Scholar等 收录检索, 我们期待您的参与!

Scopus 检索

EI inspec 检索

Conference Proceedings

  • Important Date
  • 重要日期
  • Submission Guidance
  • 投稿须知

Full Paper Submission
全文投稿,做报告, 文章出版到会议论文集

contact us

Conference Secretary : Ms Jenny Lee